Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Fr. Emmanuel Megwara, MSP - Homily for Holy Thursday - April 1, 2021

DATE : 1/4/2021

 EVENT : Holy Thursday Of Easter Triduum (Maundy Thursday)

 COLOUR: White

 READINGS : Exodus 12:1-8,11-14; Resp. Psalm 115:12-13,15-18;  1Cor. 11:23-26; John 13:1-15.


         Greetings beloved people of God. I welcome you to "My Catholic Homily Digest". On this First day of April, which is also the first day of the Easter Triduum, Holy or Maundy Thursday, I wish to reflect with you on the theme: " The Eucharist; The Priesthood And Human Salvation". Beloved in Christ, I want to start today's homily by welcoming you to this Fourth month of the year 2021. As a Catholic priest, I declare that this month shall see the start of new testimonies in your life, you shall grow in the fear of the lord and the good lord will protect and hallow all that concerns you in this month of April, through the power of His Christ, whose passion and resurection we venerate this season.

     Beloved, today is not just a regular new month, it is also Maundy Thursday, Holy Thursday, Thursday of mysteries, covenant Thursday, and sheer Thursday. It is the fifth day of Holy Week, preceded by Spy Wednesday and succeeded by Good Friday. It is called Maundy Thursday because  Jesus gave His disciples a new commandments, called mandatum , in Latin, to love, to be humble and to serve, exemplified by his washing of his disciples' feets. More so, as Jesus' hour of humiliation and glory draw near, he reveals to his disciples the supreme humility which shaped the love he had for them, as he stooped to perform a menial task reserved for servants; the washing of smelly, dirty feets. In stooping to serve his disciples, Jesus knew he would be betrayed by one of them and that the rest would abandon him through fear and disloyalty. Such knowledge could have easily led to bitterness or hatred. Yet, Jesus chose to meet the injury of betrayal and disloyalty with the greatest humility and supreme love. What a compelling commandment (Maundy) indeed it was.

      The mystery which the Catholic Church celebrates today is many fold. In fact, according to the teaching of the Church these days of Triduum is the most sacred days of the liturgical calendar. Thus, the special place which 'Sundays' occupy in a week, the triduum occupies in the liturgical year. On this Maundy Thursday, the Church celebrates the greatest mystery and gift of God to man; the institution of the Holy Eucharist, co-joined with this  is also the institution of the sacred Priesthood, after Christ, the eternal High priest. According to the rubric for holy Thursday celebration in the GIRM, today is also the day of Chrism Mass, when the holy oils of Catechumens, Sick and Chrism, are blessed for use in the administration of the sacraments. Although for pastoral reasons, the Chrism Mass can be moved to a more appropriate date not too far from Easter.

       Although there are many celebrations on this day, the highest point of it all is the institution of the Holy Eucharist by Jesus Christ himself, in the presence of his twelve apostles only. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, "out of love for his disciples, knowing full well that his time on earth is drawing close and in order never to depart from his own, but make them sharers in his Passover, Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist, as the memorial of his death and resurrection; and He sternly commanded his apostles to celebrate it in memory of him until he returns (Cf. Luke 22:19); by this very actions, Jesus constituted them priests of the New Testament" (Cf. CCC Art. 1337). Although instituted prior to his death on the cross, the Holy Eucharist is truly the Sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Christ, who under the species of bread and wine, and through the ministry of priest, is offered to God in renewal of the supreme Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross (Cf. Pastoral Guide, Vol. 2, Art. 63).

          Furthermore, the Eucharist receives it's efficacy from the words of Jesus who can never lie (Cf. Num. 23:19) and from the bloody sacrifice of the cross. Thus, without the sacrifice on Calvary, the Eucharist would remain an empty ritual (Cf. Pastoral Guide, Vol. 2., Art 63). Therefore, through the Eucharistic sacrifice offered by priests around the world today, the  salvation accomplished by Christ is wrought over and over again, and the sacrifice of Calvary is made present in an unbloody manner in every corner of the earth. The sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist is unique in the sense that Christ is the sole architect of the entire process. He is both the victim and lamb of sacrifice, he is the Altar of sacrifice, he is the high priest that offers the sacrifice, and he is the God to whom the sacrifice is addressed to. Thus, he offers himself, on himself, by himself and to himself, entirely for our sake and for our salvation. Through the bloody sacrifice on Calvary, Jesus ransomed us from satanic bondage and exchanged his life for our death. And through the Eucharist, he continues to strengthen, sustain and reinvigorate this life in us. Oh what a mysterious love beyond human grasp.

       Judging from the mystery of the sacrifice of the cross, it is obvious that no one can effect the work redemption except Jesus Christ, the immolated victim. These follows that the Catholic priesthood is not just a mere occupation or vocation. It is an invitation to participate in the saving actions of Christ. The priest is not his own, he does not choose or call himself, he acts in Persona Christi Capitis. This means that by means of his sacerdotal consecration which he receives at ordination, the priest is truly transformed into Christ ( Alter Christus), the high priest, and therefore possesses the authority to act in the power and place of the person of Christ himself; " virtute ac persona ipsius Christi" (Cf. Pius XII Nov. 20, 1947, Encyclical _Mediator Dei ). So, just as Christ is the source of all Priesthood; and the Priesthood of old prefigured Christ, so does the Catholic priest acts in the person and power of Christ, the eternal High priest. Therefore, the Catholic priest is the visible mediator of divine realities, bringing God to man as Christ did and offering the sacrifices and prayers of man to God in the person of Christ.

   So, Beloved, as we celebrate this Maundy Thursday of humble service, this day of the institution of the Holy Eucharistic and the ministerial Priesthood, let us pray for a change of attitude towards our veneration of the Holy Eucharist, let us stop all forms of abuses and unworthy reception of the Eucharist. Let us honour and accord respect to our priests for they are the emissaries and Images of Christ to us. They are the bearers of the mysteries of salvation and they are the ones lawfully entrusted by Christ to serve us as Christ served his apostles this Maundy Thursday. Let us pray for them, especially when their human weaknesses seem to overshadow and clampdown on their divine task. Finally beloved friends, let us remember to keep watch with Christ, today, even if it is for one hour.   

Oh that today you would listen to his voice harden not your hearts (Ps.95:7-8).

 LET US PRAY : Lord Jesus, your love conquers all and never fails. Help me to love others freely, with heart-felt compassion, kindness and goodness. Where there is injury, may I sow peace rather than strife...

The Lord be with you....... and with your Spirit.

 May Almighty God bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit ....Amen



  @ Fada Emmanuel Nnamdi Megwara, MSP.

Fr. Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie, MSP - Homily for Holy Thursday - April 1, 2021

Exodus 12:1-8,11-14,

1 Corinthians 11:23-26

John 13:1-15

 In the next three days which is called Tridium, we shall  be celebrating the most important event in the Catholic faith. Today being Holy Holy Thursday, we celebrate three events, namely; the institution of the Holy Eucharist,  the institution of the Catholic Priesthood and the command to love and serve one another. Jesus instituted all these before being captured for an execution which we shall mark Tomorrow being Good Friday. We are therefore encouraged to spend sometime with Jesus this evening as he is captured to be executed on Friday. On Saturday night, we will be getting ready for Easter to celebrate his victory over death, hence our salvation attained.

In the first reading of today, we see the Jewish celebration of the passover which originated from the Old Testament. We remember that the last plague in Egypt before the Israelites were allowed to go was the death of all the first born Egyptian sons. God had commanded Moses to instruct the Israelites to kill a  year old lamb and use the blood to mark their door posts. With this mark, the angel of death passed over their houses. It is this passover which marked their salvation from Egypt that all Jews come to Jerusalem every year to celebrate.

It was this passover that Jesus was also celebrating in the gospel reading of today, nevertheless, instead of killing a lamb to celebrate it, Jesus decided to offer himself as the new everlasting sacrifice to take our sins away. Before dying on the cross for us tomorrow, he will first of all give us his body and blood as a sacrifice for our sins today.

In the gospel reading of today, we see Jesus giving us his body and blood as our new paschal sacrifice. With the institution of the Holy Eucharist today, we no longer need lambs to  atone for our sins every day like the Jews because Jesus has done it once and for all through the sacrifice of the cross.

In the same gospel reading of today, after instituting the sacrifice of the Mass, he told his disciples to do same always in memorial of his sacrifice of the cross. The mass therefore is our new passover in an unbloody manner, we do not kill lambs again to mark it because Jesus has become our Pascal Lamb.

For the mass to continue to be celebrated, Jesus instructed his Apostles to continue to celebrate it. With this injunction, it means that priests will be needed to celebrate the sacrifice of the Holy Mass. Today therefore is the birthday of all priests. You can wish your priests happy birthday today and celebrate them. The priesthood is a priceless gift God has given to Man. We must respect and cherish this gift. If there is no priest, there is no sacrament.

Peter could not understand why Jesus the master was washing the feet of his disciples, no wonder he refused Jesus to wash his feet. He was therefore made to understand that his call to be a priest and offer the sacrifice of the Mass for the people is to be done in humility, and to remember that he is called to serve the people of God.

Let us therefore celebrate and thank God for these gifts today; the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Orders. Let us do this thanksgiving in sober reflection, as we keep watch with Jesus tonight as he is about to give his life as our new Passover. Amen


Fr Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie, MSP

Monday, March 29, 2021

Fr. Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie, MSP - Homily for Tuesday of Holy Week - March 30, 2021



Isaiah 49:1-6

John 13:21-33,36-38


How many of us have experienced moments of betrayal? You trust so much in someone, tells the person everything about yourself and at the end of the day, you discover that the person was never a friend. We can only imagine what is going on in the mind of Jesus at this very moment as he approaches the hour of his death. Yesterday, he went to the house of Lazarus and his sisters, Mary and Martha, just to experience some love from them.

Jesus had spent 3 years with his disciples and he had thought them the things of the kingdom. He has already accepted to lay down his life for our sake, but it is very painful if the one who is to betray him is one of his disciples whom he had taught for the past three years. There have been many arguments as to why Judas will betray Jesus. Was it his love for money? Did he think that Jesus will use that opportunity to perform another miracle and start a revolution that will overthrow Rome? If we make excuses for Judas, what excuse do we have for Peter who Jesus knows too that he will deny him?

We can only imagine how alone Jesus is feeling right now. He knows that he will soon die, but that a close friend will betray him and all his friends will desert him is very disheartening. You know your true friends in moments of crisis.

In psalm 55:12, the psalmist says that if an enemy does what is wrong, it is easier to bear because there was no expectation of a good act, but it is a friend of Jesus who eats and speaks with him every day and knows all his ways that betrayed him.

If you can stand with someone during moments of enjoyment and pleasure, you should also be a good friend and be there during pain and suffering.

Lord, save us from the hands of fake friends who are only there when things are moving well, but ready to sell us for a penny or deny us at the slightest perception of pain. Amen.

Fr Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie, MSP

Friday, March 26, 2021

Fr. Emmanuel Megwara, MSP - Homily for Saturday Week 5 of Lent - March 27, 2021

DATE : 27/3/2021

 EVENT : Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent

 COLOUR: Violet

 READINGS : Ezekiel 37:21-28;  Resp. Jeremiah 31:10-13; John 11:45-56.


         Greetings beloved people of God. I welcome you to "My Catholic Homily Digest". On this Twenty Seventh day of March, I wish to reflect with you on the theme: " Shun All Forms Of Duplicity". Beloved in Christ, one of the greatest problems of our time is that most of us have lost the sense of integrity. People of integrity can hardly be found around our communities these days. Everybody seem to be living a deceptive life, people tend to portray what they are not, while their real nature and character is concealed. According to the Webster Learner's Dictionary, integrity is a state of being steadfast in a given moral code or belief. What this means is that, whether in private or in public, my life is governed by a moral code. Whether in an unpleasant moment or pleasant moment, I still respect and stand by what I believe in, whether it wins me more friends or attracts more enemies to me. My "yes" is always "yes", anyday anytime. I do not vacillate when things change. I do not have a wagging tongue, saying "Yes" in public and "No" in private.

       In the Gospel reading of today, John 11:45-56, we are told that due to his actions and words of preaching, Jesus garnered enemies for himself among the leading men of the society and the temple. These elites, became uncomfortable with the ministry of Jesus which was integral, uncompromising and authentic. Thus, the people thought that because of this growing hostility and open plot to annihilate him, Jesus, would desist from doing the good works he does, would soft pedal the tone of his preaching and avoid public places like the temple at Jerusalem where the brood of his enemies were brewing. They forgot that Jesus was a man of integrity, who is not afraid to die for what he believes and preaches. They forgot that Jesus had warned them to shun all forms of duplicity. They forgot that Jesus was a man who was ready to stand by his words, a man who meant every thing he said and a man who was ready to walk his talk.

     Child of God, duplicity is when you appear holy in Church and then outside the church, you are anything but holy. Duplicity is when your words does not match your actions. Duplicity is when you vacillate and change your moral code depending on the circumstances you find yourself. Duplicity is when your heart knows the truth to be done, but your physical actions does the opposite. Duplicity is when you say 'yes' in public but says 'no' in private. Duplicity is when your actions is dependent on the reaction of people. A person who practices duplicity will always lack integrity. A person who lacks integrity can never be trusted. A person that cannot be trusted has lost out in life already. So like Jesus, beloved, let us practice a life of integrity, let us not be afraid of what people will say or do to us. If you are honest and sincere in your dealings, God will always vindicate you.    

Oh that today you would listen to his voice harden not your hearts (Ps.95:7-8).

 LET US PRAY : Lord Jesus, help me to cultivate the virtue of integrity and not to vacillate based on public perception..

The Lord be with you....... and with your Spirit.

 May Almighty God bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit ....Amen


  @ Fada Emmanuel Nnamdi Megwara, MSP.

Fr. Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie, MSP - Homily for Saturday Week 5 of Lent - March 27, 2021



Ezekiel 37:21-28

John 11:45-56


There is a saying that if you want to kill a dog, you give it a bad name. People find good reasons to justify what they have done or are about to do. If you hate someone so much, nothing of what he/she does, no matter how good it is, will make any good sense to you. You will always read negative meanings into whatever they do.

In the gospel reading of today, we see that the Jews are looking at Jesus with scorn and disdain despite the good things he was doing. Jesus had just raised Lazarus from the dead, and many people came to rejoice with the family, but that was a moment of worry for the scribes and pharisees. They felt that Jesus was becoming too popular among the people and needs to be eliminated.

The words of Caiaphas in the gospel reading is very prophetic. The Jews are ready to kill Jesus not because of what he has done or fear of the Romans, but so that all of us will not perish. Jesus therefore is ready to die on our behalf, and tomorrow, he will see him enter triumphantly into Jerusalem for that purpose.

Lord, help us to appreciate the death of Jesus on our behalf by the way we live our lives. Amen.

Fr Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie, MSP

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Fr. Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie, MSP - Homily for Friday Week 5 of Lent - March 26, 2021



Jeremiah 20:10-13

John 10:31-42

Have you ever been in a situation where everyone seem to be against you? Have you seen all those who are your friends suddenly turn to be your enemy? Have you ever felt alone in the world as if no one cares? Many people who have entered depression and have committed suicide have gone through this feeling in life. The first reading of today gives us a picture of what Jesus is passing through at this moment. He has fallen out with the chief priest and scribes of the people, the pharisees see him as an enemy who deserves to die.

The gospel reading presents to us an altercation between Jesus and the Jews who are ignorant of what is happening. People may sometimes be committing evil, but those who incite them can convince them that they are doing the right thing.

The Jews obeyed the law and held it so tenaciously, the name of God (YAHWEH) was held holy and not to be pronounced. It was therefore a sacrilege and blasphemy for Jesus to claim to be the Son of this God. As they picked up stone to kill him today, they thought they were fighting for God, not knowing that they were wrong and were merely incited by the elders of the people.

It is a lesson for us as Christians, not to let ourselves be incited against anyone, but to ask God for his grace and direction to discern properly. Jesus may not have been killed today, but his time is very near at hand. He will not hesitate to accept the death when it comes.

Lord, help us to recognize you in what you have done for us, may no selfish opinion of others lead us away from you. Amen.

Fr Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie, MSP

Fr. Emmanuel Megwara, MSP - Homily for Friday Week 5 of Lent - March 26, 2021

 DATE : 26/3/2021

 EVENT : Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent

 COLOUR: Violet

 READINGS : Jeremiah 20:10-13; Resp. Psalm 17:2-7;  John 10:31-42.


         Greetings beloved people of God. I welcome you to "My Catholic Homily Digest". On this Twenty Sixth day of March, I wish to reflect with you on the theme: " Be Your First Critic". Beloved in Christ, you and I know that while it is good to listen to every form of advice, you can only make use of the ones that you judge suitable for yourself. But more importantly, no matter the sorts of advice, encouragement or motivation that you get, the best form of motivation or advice is the one that you give to yourself. Hence, external forces cannot really change a person for good or bad, if the person doesn't want to change. True change can only come from within. However, experiences have shown that it is not everyone who verbally renders you words of advice, actually mean the best good for you. It is not everyone who greets you or relates well with you actually desires your good. It is not everyone who speaks words of peace to you actually wants peace for you. Most people are actually more happy when bad things begin to happen to you than when you are progressing. Let for some persons, they would prefer that you leave the scene so that they can occupy your place. So, be wise, be careful, be your first critic, for no one can advice you better than yourself. When things are working so well for you, be very careful, be more critical of your actions and be very prayerful lest you fall and your frenemies begin to smile (1Cor. 10:12).

   In the first reading of today, Jer. 20:10-13, we are told that the friends and well wishers of the prophet Jeremiah, were secretly watching and waiting for his down fall. They did not actively plot evil against him. But they were uncomfortable that he is succeeding in all that he does and that he has the admiration of people. So, they patiently and remotely watched for the slightest mistake he would make so that they can capitalise on it to ridicule him. This is also true with Jesus in today's Gospel, John 10:31-42. The  elders of the Jews were not comfortable with the growing popularity of Jesus. They were not at home with the fact that he was shifting the attention from themselves to himself. So, they desired to put an end to him. But being wise men, both Jeremiah and Jesus became the first critics of themselves and so they eluded the people and never really faltered as the people had wished.

      Beloved, have you ever sat down to evaluate your life? Have you ever sat down to advice yourself about the right thing to do and the wrong things to avoid?  Do you criticise your actions even before other people do so for you? Listen to me child of God, it is not everyone that smiles at you or that cheers you up means your good. Some are actually waiting for the day you will begin to sink. So always watch what you say and to whom you say it to. Always watch where you go or enter. Always watch what you do or do not do. Always think through every action before you execute it. So that you would not give your frenemies the opportunity to feed their masked intentions.  

Oh that today you would listen to his voice harden not your hearts (Ps.95:7-8).


 LET US PRAY : Lord Jesus, help me to always be conscious of all that I do and help me to outdo my masked frenemies in wisdom.

The Lord be with you....... and with your Spirit.

 May Almighty God bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit ....Amen


  @ Fada Emmanuel Nnamdi Megwara, MSP.

Fr. Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie, MSP - Homily for Thursday Easter Week 6 - May 13, 2021 - Ascension